Monday, August 23, 2010


Part of this blog I've dedicated to recording thoughts about science, medicine, and my family but you may have noticed the weird "WOD" that I post at the bottom of every post.  WOD simply means "workout of the day."  It comes from the fitness methodology of crossfit.

For those of you who have never heard of crossfit I'll give you the washed down version but provide link for more information.   In the most cliche' form, crossfit is, "constantly varied, high intensity, functional movements" - but what does that mean?!  Well crossfit's aim is to provide you with strength that you will actually use.  Like picking up a kid (in my case), or lifting heaving boxes.   I truly can't remember when was the last time I was in a position that required me to isolate my biceps femoris, as do so many isolation machines in the gym aim to do.  Core strength is at the top of the chart in terms of importance.

One large difference that crossfit offers to the traditional workout is that it doesn't just focus on brute force, but instead integrates 10 tiers of fitness into every 'WOD.'  They are cardio endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy.  Most programs emphasize one or two skills above the rest, but crossfit tries to implement all together.  For example, coordination skills like double-unders with a jumprope are often employed at high intensity cardiovascular routines that demand concentration on a taxed body.   Many heavy lifts are performed quickly with little to no rest - which brings me to my next point.

What is power?  Simple physics states that it's your total work/time.   When increasing your physical fitness it's important not to just focus on a distance or time (like many runners).  Also lacking are gym rats that just lift heavy using the principles of Work=Force*distance.   What's the point of being able to move a lot of weight if you do it slowly?  That's were Power take over.  Quantifying how how much work in a specified time (aka power) allows you to accurately measure your capabilities.

In comes the WOD.  I get these from various places all over the internet and sometimes I make up my own with the guiding principles of crossfit.  I've decided to record my work to have some type of accountability and scaling to see any improvements.  If there is ever a WOD with a name I invite you to just google it and learn it - then try it yourself.

Crossfit homepage
What is crossfit?
What is fitness?

WOD - Fran:  21-15-9  95# thrusters/pullups
time: PR of 7:52

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