Sunday, August 29, 2010


Headed to Jamaica on our cruise!

Now let me start off saying that Shelby and I were married on December 27, 2008 - which means that we've been married about a year and a half.  However, last night it was confirmed that we were the most fresh off the honeymoon when we played "The Newlywed Game" with our great friends Candace and Josh.  Earlier in the day we had them over at our place to swim, which was really nice and fun, especially because their two kiddos were able to come too.   They absolutely loved the water (too bad I didn't get any pics).   Afterwards we all headed over to their lovely house and ate spaghetti and salad, which was really good.

The night then consisted of playing The Newlywed Game, which was so entertaining.  I myself had never played but it was just like the TV show that everyone use to watch as a kid during the summers when school was out.  It was interesting to see how much/little Shelby and I knew about each other, and especially our thoughts about each other.   It was so funny how Shelby knew me so well like in one question where I had to write down what movie star she thought I would say she resembled most.   Now if you know me, you know that I don't do names - much less movie stars' names.   After thinking about it I just wrote down Heidi Klum, because I think she's really hot (like Shelby).  Much to my surprise Shelby had totally wrote her down too knowing that I wouldn't know of anyone else to write down.  :)

Being a husband has been awesome in more ways that I have ever thought, but I love learning more about myself through Shelby.  Her support has been great through this transition to medical school, and the structure our relationship provides helps out so much with everything I do.  So, if you feel like you're lost and can't figure out what to do - try finding someone else that cares about you enough to let you know what's best.  It works.

Yesterday's WOD: (Helen) 3 Rounds of 400m run, 21 1.5 pood KB swings, 12 pullups
time: 9:50

1 comment:

shelby said...

So Sweet!!!! I was surprised about what questions we got right and what questions we got wrong. . .definitely fun!!