Today was the official start of Block 2 at BCM for the MS1's. Block 2 is comprised of three main systems known around here as CRR, or Cardio-Renal-Respiratory. For the next five weeks we will be force fed more stuff than we'd ever imagine learning in this time frame, and I for one felt it today. I've had some basic background with Anatomy and basic systems throughout the body but after 4 hours of lecture today dealing with more than I felt I could handle, I feel as though I've been pushed in the deep end of pool.
Studying will thus commence today. Additionally, I have heard a once or twice that a few students are going to use/try James' method of studying. I just want to reiterate that although I have tailored and altered points here and there, I don't take credit for it's principles. That goes to some guy at UT Houston (yes I know, it's hard to believe they did something right - jk).
Today was a bit of a scary day also because Shelby took Casey in to see the vet about a bump that has come up on the side of her face. It's really weird because it seems that it literally appeared overnight and is about the size of a date (round, but somewhat oblong). It doesn't hurt her when we palpate it so it has been somewhat a bit of confusion around here. Luckily Shelby was able to get her into a new vet down here in Houston, who happen to all be Aggies - whoop! They weren't exactly sure what she had but were 'concerned' due to her age and location of the mass. Shelby was informed the next best thing to do was sedate her to get a biopsy, which first requires a thorough workup of blood. Those results should be back in a few days and then we'll move from there. We're both hoping everything turns out okay because Casey is such a great member of our family.
Below are a few shots of the dogs and clips from some old folders.
WOD: 3 rounds of Kelly (due to time constraint) 400m sprint/ 30x 24" box jumps/ 30x 20# wallballs
time: 17:41
Sweet Casey! I'm anxious to hear what the vet says, keep me posted. Love that sweet girl!
Hope everything's OK with that sweet grand-dog!
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