Friday, September 17, 2010


These past few days have been awesome!  With no school to worry about and a plethora of activities in Houston, Shelby and I have been trying to take advantage of everything to do nearby.  So with that, Wednesday and Thursday we headed out to Hermann Park to check out what it had to offer!  

Wednesday when we pulled up to the park near the Museum District (which is another place we have to hit up) there were a TON of people everywhere, and to be racially insensitive - they were all Mexican!  We had no idea what the heck was going on but we soon heard the sounds of guitars and drums playing the unforgivable mariachi.  HaHa, Grayson sure loved it because it put him right to sleep without a peep.   Upon nearing the park with the stroller it dawned on us that the big fiesta was probably just something for Mexico's Independence.  

Grayson on the drive there
Shelby beside the reflecting pool

It was our first time for us to go to the park so there was so much to take in.  Near the entrance there is a huge reflecting pool (kind of like the one in D.C.).  There's a ton of trails, both paved and rock to run, jog, or just stroll along on.   Closer to the entrance of the Houston Zoo there's a beautiful lake that offers rental paddle boats and a miniature train that encircles it and the park.  We weren't able to try either one of these, but we will one day - I promise. 

One part of the trip I enjoyed was the skyline of the Medical Center in the Background.  I still can't believe how large the whole center is, and how many different institutions there are throughout all of it.  It's hard to believe that in just a year and a half I'll be able to start rotating throughout some of them. 

Shelby interpreting Japanese for us
Thursday might have been even better because although I had most of Wednesday off from school, this time I had the whole day off.  The day started off a little hard though because I had volunteered to wake up and feed Grayson with formula during the whole night so that Shelby could get a complete nights rest for once.  It was tough and I admire all the women out there that have done that for months and months.  I insist that they have specific genes that modify their sleep cycles so that they don't go too crazy.  Again we went back to the park but checked out the Japanese Garden and Tea House.  Near the entrance we learned that the park was originally established in 1990 when Japanese Prime Minister Kaifu visited Houston for the World Economic Summit.  He helped set aside a fund from his government to build this amazing garden.  The actual teahouse was built in Japan, disassembled, then reassembled in Houston.  All throughout the garden symbolism abounds in it's architecture, design, and beauty.  I could definitely afford to revisit here, especially when it's a little cooler.  

Japanese Tea Garden

Hopefully more fun activities to blog about later this week.

WOD:  5 rounds of: 10 sumo deadlifts (95#), 50 double unders
time: 11:10

1 comment:

Rishi Kumar said...

It's so nice to see you enjoying time with the family! Have a great remaining vacation, buddy!